Environment Reflection 03/13/20

Questions for Blog/Vlog
What have you accomplished?
-This week we have accomplished to email the vice principal to talk about our posters and clean up but because of the lockdown yesterday gave us a No to go to KES and have a meeting, the vice principal suggested we have a meeting sometime next week. What has gone wrong?
-One thing gone wrong is the original date we schedule for the meeting due to the school lockdown yesterday my team and I decided to move the meeting to next week. What challenges have you faced?
-I face no challenges this week. What have you learned through the process?
-I have learned that sometimes real life meeting will get more stuff accomplished and email or group chat will be an alternatives because we can communicate better when face to face and sometimes text or email might have miscommunication but this miscommunication not yet happen to my team and I. How have your skills improved over the past week?
-I think my skills improved on hearing my other group-mates opinion and schedule to help satisfy everyone on the team. For example our messy poster, I have heard everyones opinion if we should restart on a new one since we still got time and everyone agreed and I did try my best to make it neat and before the due date which is this Friday to satisfy everyone on my team. Are you on track for an on-time delivery?
-Some what my team and I are a bit late this week because we had to change the date for our meeting due to other activities. But we accomplish not to change our post up date for our posters. What adjustments need to be made on the timeline?
-The adjustment needed this time on the timeline is to change the date of the meeting to sometime next week maybe like Wednesday since the vice principal suggested for next week. 
My next action is….
-My next action is to schedule another date next week to talk about the posters and clean up.

This is a picture of the meeting cancel request.
