Environment Reflection 03/20/20
Questions for Blog/Vlog What have you accomplished? -This week I have accomplished to finished the restart poster on my own. What has gone wrong? -Due to the Coronavirus situation we have cancel another meeting. So my team and I decided to have the meeting this week Monday since it was canceled last week. We sent the email on early Sunday morning then at night we know that school is canceled so we said another postponed on the meeting. What challenges have you faced? -One challenge I face or basically everyone on my team is the virus. This situation has caused us all cut up with our timeline dates, because our project is about going out in the community. What have you learned through the process? -Sometimes it can be very hardheaded when we know things later like the email situation but you never know what happens next so we good. How have your skills improved over the past week? -I think one skills I have improved is asking permission. Like the email situation that needs to b...