Environment Reflection 02/14/2020

Questions for Blog/Vlog What have you accomplished?
-This week I have accomplished to come up with 2 poster idea that might be used as the actual poster, we will also vote this Friday on which 2 ideas we going to use for our actual poster and from there fix what ever is needed. What has gone wrong?
-Nothing has gone wrong for this week. What challenges have you faced?
-There were no challenges this time . What have you learned through the process?
- I have learned everyone opinion is important to get the best work we can. The more ideas and opinion, it can help my team and I to change the mindset of future generation. How have your skills improved over the past week?
- My skills have improve to get work done even before the due date. Like this time the poster idea I did both in one day with the help of online resources. Are you on track for an on-time delivery?
-Yes, this week I am on time delivery because I did my poster idea 3 days before the due date which is 02/14/20 What adjustments need to be made on the timeline?
-The adjustment needed this time is to change the date the posters will be posted because we want everyone to be there to post the poster so we changed it to a date where me and Brinae can both attend and that will be on the 03/11/2020. My next action is….
-My next action is to get my materials as soon as possible so we can start on the poster before the due date.

This 2 pictures are my poster idea draft.


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